When do you play?
BMSPL plays on Friday nights from early May through mid-August. Games start as early as 6pm, and end as late as 11pm. We also play 2 weekend long tournaments – generally the middle of June and the middle of August (dates will be posted in the season information).
We also play a Fall Ball season, separate from the regular season, from the first Friday after the regular season ends through the first week of October. Our Fall Ball season also includes a season ending tournament.
I’ve never played in the BMSPL, but I want in! What do I do?
We love new players! We accept registration from new players starting March 1st. Just visit our website and click the “sign-up” link. If you have a few or a bunch of friends and want to play together, make note in your registration. We’ll place you on a new or existing team. While we’d love to accept everyone, it’s possible that we run out of spots, especially for single men.
Can I register as a team?
YES! The more the merrier! Starting in 2022 we are offering our full team option at $1650 +HST per team – you get to name the team and put your own logo on the back, and you get up to 15 shirts for your players (You can add more than 15 players, but there will be an added cost of $25 per player to cover shirt & insurance). Alternatively, you can each pay an individual fee. Depending on how many players you have, we may add a few to your team. For both options, make sure to make note in your registration that you are joining as a team.
What do I get for my money?
Our regular registration rate is $140+ HST. This give you a game t-shirt, regular season scheduled games, and 2 tournaments (guaranteed 3 games and up to 5 per tournament). As a registered player, you also have the option of sparing for other teams when they are short – checking our spare postings each week is a great way to pick up some extra games. We think it’s an awesome value for what you get. We also offer extra innings in our Fall Ball league, pricing by team.
When do I need to register + pay by?
Don’t hold out too late on us, earlier registrations allow us to get the ball rolling on assigning teams, ordering shirts and creating schedules for the upcoming season.
What payment methods do you offer?
We accept payments by cheque, email money transfer or by credit card (a processing fee applies for credit card payments).
Visit our payment method info page for more information on how to pay your league fees.
What is your refund policy?
Refunds are not available after week 2 of the current league season has passed.
If I register to play, am I guaranteed a spot?
While we would LOVE to have a spot for everyone who wants to play, we are limiting registration to 48 teams for the 2022 season which may mean we will need to turn some players and maybe some teams away. Secure your spot by reaching out and registering early!
I played in the league last year, can I play with the same team this year? Can I play on a different team?
As a default, players are set in the same team they were on the previous year. However, if they don't want to play on that same team the next year, they may make the request and will be placed in another team. Requests for specific teams are limited to availability.
Do I need to supply my own equipment?
BMSPL supplies t-shirts, softballs and bases. All other equipment is the responsibility of players. We recommend cleats; some players find batting gloves helpful. We also recommend the use of a helmet for batting & base running.
Also, make sure your bat meets SPN standards outlined here
How many people are on each team?
Team size varies, but the average is 14 players – 8 guys and 6 gals.
Can I play with my friends?
Absolutely! This league is all about friends, old and new. Just make sure to note the name of your friend(s) on your registration and we will do our very best to place you together.
What is your HST registration number?
BMSPL is registered with the CRA and remits HST on all registration / sponsorship dollars. Our registration number is 81237 9238 RT0001.
What level of slo-pitch does BMSPL play?
BMSPL is a recreational level slo-pitch league. Teams range from "C" level to "F" level; with the majority of the teams at "E" or "Rec" level. We have some "A" level and "B" level individual players, but slo-pitch is a team sport. Like I said, we are just "guys" and "gals" out to have fun!
I’ve never played softball before, can I still join?
Yes! Our league is very inclusive, and we are all here to have fun. Softball is fairly easy to pick up at a recreational level, and we promise you’ll feel like you’ve been playing for years by the mid-season tournament! Okay, maybe not, but we’re sure you’ll still have fun! For our new players who’ve never played softball before, we will place you on a team in our 3rd or 2nd division.
What age group is this league?
Our players range from 18 – 65+!
We really are a very diverse league, and we encourage you to play regardless of age, as long as you are 18 and over.
I’ve heard this is a “beer league” – can I drink at the games?
Ottawa city bylaw prohibits alcohol in public parks, and BMSPL cannot condone alcohol at regular season games. For our tournaments, we typically have a LLBO licensed beer tent at both locations where you may purchase and consume beer and coolers.
When are the mid-season and season-ending tournaments?
The mid-season tournament is always Father's Day weekend and the season-ending playoffs will be the third weekend in August.
When will your schedule be posted?
We strive to post the season’s schedule as early as possible to allow you to plan your summer. We hope to have almost all registrations in by the second week of April so we can focus on building a balanced schedule and have it to you on or before the last weekend in April. The mid-season and year end tournament schedules will be posted shortly after the last game that is included in the tournament ranking.
I’m considering volunteering to be captain for my team. What will I have to do?
Fantastic! We love captains! Captains are responsible for communicating with the league commissioners, sharing information with their teams and ensuring their team players know the rule, settling disputes on the field, making sure scores are submitted, helping port bases from one week to the next, and buying the first round at the tournament. Just kidding – your teammates definitely owe you a beer. We also ask you to take part in a captains meetings where we get to chat about things like rules and answer questions you have.
Can't find the answer that you are looking for? Head over to our Contact Us page.